Spotted on Speciality Food: Lara Daniel on how to boost your food brand

The business and retail worlds have changed rapidly as a result of the pandemic. Bricks-and-mortar businesses continue to face unprecedented challenges, and the ‘new normal’ will be an aggressively digital era. Brands must adapt by generating new sales online.

May 6, 2021

Implementing an influencer marketing campaign will be vital to support your digital efforts. Influencers are professional content creators — and they’re really good at it! Demonstrating how your products work in different contexts and settings across various age groups and cultures opens your brand up to a much wider audience. Now, your customer can experience your product in a much more immersive way, through someone they trust and relate to. This is strong visual and emotional storytelling, through which the consumer can experience your brand.

Lara Daniel shared her industry expertise with Speciality Food on 4 of the many ways food brands can benefit from influencer marketing. From hyper-targeting to brand ambassadors, the power of personalisation to creator-led content, there is something for every brand of any size to implement to see an immediate boost. Influencers can be one of your greatest assets, and the earlier you involve them, the better the results.

Read her insights here!